
Why A Pediatric Dentist?

Bringing your child to a pediatric dentist allows your child to be seen by a specialist that solely focuses on treating the young. To be certified as a pediatric dentist, one must complete four years of dental school and an additional two to three years of specialized training. These additional years allows pediatric dentists to increase their knowledge base about treating infants, children and young adults.

Aurora Pediatric Dentistry is concerned about your child's oral and total health care. Therefore, establishing a Dental Home is important as it provides your child a foundation to establish strong preventative dental health habits to keep them free from dental disease. During your visits with us, we are committed to creating a fun, positive and nurturing environment so that your child will have a lifetime of positive experiences going to the dental office.

Preventative Care

Although your child will eventually lose all of their primary (baby) teeth, it is important that these baby teeth are taken care of. The baby teeth are very important for the proper development of the child’s permanent (adult) teeth. They also act as placeholders allowing for the proper eruption and alignment of the adult teeth.

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends your child be seen at least twice a year for a dental checkup and cleaning. These dental visits allow for teeth to be examined and cleaned. Removing plaque on teeth helps prevent cavities and gingivitis. Fluoride treatments also strengthen the enamel on teeth.

Preventative care is also important as it allows us to evaluate your child’s brushing and flossing habits. Baby teeth have thinner enamel than adult teeth, so it is important to continue to return for your child’s 6 month checkup and cleaning.

At these visits, your child may need X-rays to diagnose any tooth decay or abnormalities. X-rays will only be taken when necessary to see that your child has good oral health. Your child’s teeth will also be evaluated for sealants to prevent cavities and orthodontic problems.

Here at Aurora Pediatric Dentistry we will monitor your child’s dental health and provide routine preventative care. Please call to schedule an appointment!

First Dental Visit

Bringing your child in for their first dental visit is a big milestone. We recommend that your child be seen for their first visit by their first birthday or when their first baby tooth begins to erupt from their gums. By coming into our office early we can monitor the child’s overall dental health/development and establish a proper preventative care program. These preventative programs are important as Early Childhood Caries (baby bottle tooth decay or nursing cavities) can start once a child’s diet is more than just breast milk.

At the first visit, we will exam your child’s teeth, discuss brushing and flossing and the impact of diet on your child's oral health. This visit will also allow you to ask questions you may have about your child’s oral health including when to expect the other baby teeth to erupt, strategies for teething and the need for fluoride supplements.